API docs GUIs (Swagger, Elements, Redoc)

Quickly spin-up an automatic documentation from your OpenAPI specifications.
Comes with multiple flavors.

Head over to one of this endpoint: /api-docs/{swagger|elements|redoc}.

You can import them as components, too:

import OpenApiGuiSwagger from '@astro-openapi/gui-swagger/OpenApiGuiSwagger.astro';
import OpenApiGuiRedoc from '@astro-openapi/gui-redoc/OpenApiGuiRedoc.astro';
import OpenApiGuiElements from '@astro-openapi/gui-elements/OpenApiGuiElements.astro';

const gui = 'elements'; // E.g, could source it from `Astro.params`,…

    gui === 'elements' && (
        <OpenApiGuiElements schemaUrl={'./api/openapi.json' /* (default) */} />

{gui === 'redoc' && <OpenApiGuiRedoc />}

{gui === 'swagger' && <OpenApiGuiSwagger />}



Dark theme support has been added on top of the original component