Defining Services Operations

This is how to create your server operations for you OpenAPI specification to source from.

Firstly, make sure you have the correct entrypoint:

mkdir ./src/services && touch ./src/services/index.ts
import type { AstroOperationHandler } from '@astro-openapi/backend';
import type { OperationMethods } from 'astro-openapi:types'; // < Auto-generated

// import * as products from './products.js';
// import * as users from './users.js';
import * as persons from './persons.js';

type Operations<OM> = Record<keyof OM, AstroOperationHandler>;

export const operations: Operations<OperationMethods> = {
    // ...products,
    // ...users,

// /* Generic operations */
// validationFail: (openapi, _astro) => ({
//   body: JSON.stringify(openapi.validation),
//   status: 502,
// }),
// notImplemented: (_openapi, _astro) => ({ body: '(DEMO): notImplemented' }),
// notFound: (_openapi, _astro) => ({ body: '(DEMO): notFound' }),

You can choose to organize your operations like this, depending on the amount of code:

  1. Directly in the index.ts if they’re short enough
  2. By entity type, in a separate files, grouping all operations. Eg. persons.ts
  3. By operation names, in sub-folder. E.g. persons/findPersons.ts

In our examples, operations are splitted by entity (2), a medium, sensible default for most.
In the end, only the exported operations object in ./src/services/index.ts is authoritative.
It acts as the single entry point for the OpenAPI backend to source from.

touch ./src/services/persons.ts
import type { AstroOperationHandler } from '@astro-openapi/backend';
import type { Paths } from '../types/openapi.js';

export const findPersons: AstroOperationHandler<
    /* Body */ undefined,
    /* Params */ undefined,
    /* Query */ Paths.FindPersons.QueryParameters
    /* Headers */ // undefined,
    /* Cookie */ // undefined,
> = (openapi, _astro) => {
    const result = {
        /*  */

    return {
        body: JSON.stringify(result),
        status: 200,

//  ...

See ./demo/src/services/persons.ts for inspiration.