Type-safe Client Operations

When your API is wired-up server side, you’re ready to make your first operations.
Also, you can setup multiple clients, e.g for external APIs.

Application API

From backend frontmatter (server)

import { app } from '@astro-openapi/client';

const person = await app.findPersonById({ id: 123 });


From browser

import { app } from '@astro-openapi/client';

const newPerson = await app.addPerson(
    /* Parameters (Path, Query) */ null,

    /* Data Body (JSON…) */ { email: 'foo@bar.it' },
    //                        ^? Components.Schemas.Person.email

    /* Axios configuration */ {},

// Do stuff…

External APIs

import { getClient } from '@astro-openapi/client';
import type { ExternalOas } from 'my-external-api/oas-client-types';

export const myExternalClient = await getClient<ExternalOas>(
    /* bundleUrl */ 'https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json',

myExternalClient.doStuff(/* … */);

While your local application typings are automatically generated for you, make sure to generated them for external packages.
You can do this by using this project or the underlying package (openapi-client-axios-typegen) if it’s not using Astro, see:

Generating types in openapi-stack documentation.